8. Vikings Wore Horned Helmets, Right?
Negative. According to the History Channel, medieval depictions of Viking warriors show the Norsemen “bareheaded or clad in simple helmets likely made of either iron or leather.” So there you have it. Have you ever known the History Channel to get something wrong? 
9. Thomas Jefferson Slept With His Slaves
Maybe he did. Then again, maybe he didn’t. Wait, what? Everyone knows Jefferson fathered children with his slave Sally Hemings, you say. Not quite. The most compelling evidence that exists linking the sage of Monticello to Hemings are the results of a 1998 DNA test that show Hemings’ youngest son was fathered by someone in the Jefferson line. Media outlets at the time ran with the story and spun it as proof that the slave-owning Jefferson, the man who penned the Declaration of Independence, was a lecherous hypocrite. Today, the narrative tends to focus not on if the act happened, but whether the alleged act constitutes rape. But, as the Christian Science Monitor has pointed out, any of the “more than two dozen Jefferson men living in Virginia at the time” could have fathered Hemings’ son, Eston...[and] in fact, scholars point to Jefferson’s brother, Randolph, as the likely father of Hemings’ son.”
That’s not to say it’s clear that Jefferson didn’t father Hemings’ child. Just that there is not a preponderance of evidence—circumstantial or physical—that proves Jefferson did. As one Jefferson scholar said, “While we may never know who fathered Eston Hemings, or any of Sally Hemings’ other children, we do this great man in American history a big disservice by prematurely concluding that this centuries-old paternity case has been adequately and responsibly resolved.”