Thursday, January 29, 2015

Killer whales (Orcinus orca)

Here is a video of a pack (or packs) of Killer whales (Orcinus orca) hunting fish extremely close to the shore  in Northern Norway.

Here is a phone camera picture of one of the killer whales:

 Birds · Coast · Nature · Sea Ocean · Seagull · Winter

Pictures from a day out fishing during a polar day in Northern Norway
 Click image for larger view.
For the first time I have gone out fishing on the sea during the polar night period in Northern Norway. And what an experience that is. Even though we got no sunlight the light can be absolutely beautiful with different colors everywhere as you can see in these photos.
Above you can see how the sky looks in the middle of the day, and below you can see when the sky starts to get darker.
The mountain in the picture is called Drangen and is located on the island Rolla. It is a very picturesque mountain.
But the main reason I went out on the sea was to fish.  what an amazing experience!
Picture of Christmas cod
Click image for larger view.
Photo of White-tailed Eagle ( Haliaeetus albicilla) catching a fish - captured with iPhone 5 camera
 Click image for larger view.
Today when I was out fishing I got a visit from a couple of white-tailed eagles (Haliaeetus albicilla). I had thrown a small fish overboard that they really wanted to catch. In the picture above you can see the majestic bird trying to get this fish. I really wish I had brought a proper camera with me, but the photo from the phone actually turned out pretty good.
The white-tailed eagle is very common in Northern Norway, and we have the biggest eagle population in the world along the coast of Northern Norway. The bird is very big (for comparison see the seagull in upper left corner of the picture) with up to 2.45 m wingspan. The eagle feed on fish, but it can also catch other birds and mammals. Whenever all seagulls take flight at once, you can be sure there is a white-tailed eagle around.
You can see other bird photos here.
Information about the picture:
Camera: Apple iPhone 5
Exposure: 0.001 sec (1/695)
Aperture: f/2.4
Focal Length: 4.1 mm
ISO Speed: 50

Tags: Birds · Clouds ·Nature·Sea Ocean·Sky

The view 

The view from my bedroom in Northern Norway - 19th of May 2013

Taken with Olympus EPL-1 digital camera
I went for a spring trip to Northern Norway this year, and oh my did it pay off. The weather has been fantastic with temperatures well above 20 degree Celsius, something that is unusual this early in the year.
In the picture above I have photographed the view from my bedroom at midnight on the 19th of May. It is about this time we get midnight sun, but the sun went behind the mountains. Nevertheless, the view was spectacular and making it hard to go to sleep.
The mountains that you see far in the horizon is the second largest island in Norway 
Spring is such a wonderful time in the north with all the birds coming back, flowers are popping up everywhere and the boat is finally back on the water.

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