Friday, January 30, 2015

Tech Five: Apple CEO's salary doubled in 2014

In case you're seeking confirmation, Apple executives make a lot of money. Let's take a look at the technology stocks to watch Friday:
Apple. Chief executive Tim Cook made $9.2 million in 2014, more than double his compensation from the previous year, the company revealed in a filingwith the Securities and Exchange Commission. Meanwhile, newly-hired Angela Ahrendts, who is in charge of Apple's retail and online presence, raked in a whopping $73 million in cash and stock.
Verizon. Hoping the wireless giant will introduce data rollover plans? Don't hold your breath. According to CNet, Verizon chief financial officer Fran Shammo says they won't follow AT&T and T-Mobile in introducing the option to roll over any unused data at the end of a billing cycle.
Facebook. The social network is planning a package for advertisers that would allow them to quickly target ads at users talking about the Super Bowl. Ad Age reportsadvertisers can purchase ads for Facebook's Super Bowl audience leading up to next Sunday's big game.
Twitter. The microblogging service is testing a feature using Microsoft's Bing that would translate tweets in other languages. Venturebeat reports the option will be accessible from both desktop and mobile products.
Box. The online storage provider unveiled its initial public offering, setting it at $14 per share. Based on IPO pricing, Box is valued at $1.7 billion.

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